# aws (1)
# best-practice (1)
# devops (2)
# fsharp (4)
# data-science (1)
# conf (1)
# azure (1)
# terraform (1)
# graylog (1)
# csharp (1)
# async (2)
# functional (8)
# architecture (2)
# clojurescript (1)
# languages (2)
# creativity (1)
# polymorphism (1)
# ocaml (1)
# traverse (1)


Code best practice A construct is a logical unit of the app. Not recommended to have multiple cdk apps in the same repository. Combine the…

.NET Conf: Focus on F#, July 29 Data Science with F fsdocs FsLab for data science Model - some forecasting with ML Transform data with…

Configure terraform on azure devops

Azure devops Install terraform tasks: link Terraform on azure pipelines best practice All in code Application code, infrastructure, CI/CD…

Graylog configuration

Extractors vs pipelines for message processing Extractor can create new fields that might need to be present for the pipeline to run, or the…

Asynchronous programming in C#

Asynchronous programming Asynchronous programming: wrong answers only It is when you run things on different threads It is executing tasks…

Functional architectures

Notes on the talk "Functional architectures - The pits of success" by Mark Seemann

Asynchronous sequences in F#

Some common examples working with asynchronous sequences with AsyncSeq

ClojureScript start template

Start a ClojureScript project with lein and figwheel

F# list

F# list - why avoid concat and prefer cons

Purely functional language

Definition of a purely functional language

Magic mushroom

A creativity mushroom

The power of composition

Notes on the podcast "The power of composition with Scott Wlaschin" by Three Devs and a maybe

Type polymorphism

Different types of polymorphism and comparison between languages

Algebraic effects

Notes from the talk on algebraic effects at Reason Bangalore meetup

F# Traverse on Result

F# Traverse on Result